Adopt a storm drain and help keep SeaTac stormwater clean. With more rain in the forecast, you can help prevent pollutants from entering our local waterways and prevent flooding in your neighborhood by adopting a drain and keeping it clear of leaves and debris.

The City of SeaTac joined almost a dozen other Western Washington cities in implementing the Adopt a Drain program so we can create a focused effort to reduce pollution in Puget Sound. Across those cities, over 1200 residents have signed up to adopt a drain (or multiple drains!).

The City of SeaTac has over 4,000 storm drains throughout the city. Whenever it rains, the storm drain carries rainwater along with debris and pollutants from the street into the nearest lake, creek, or river. These pollutants can include litter, leaves, and chemicals from cars and yards. In SeaTac, stormwater flows to Angle Lake, Des Moines Creek, Miller & Walker creeks, and the Green and Duwamish rivers. Most of these water bodies then flow directly to Puget Sound. You can help reduce the amount of debris and pollutants entering local water bodies by committing to keep your local storm drain clear.

You can find a storm drain to adopt near your home or business at []. Sign up, give your drain a name, and you will receive a packet with a yard sign showing which water body you are protecting and instructions on how you can keep the drain clear.

Sweep up leaves and debris around the drain, pick up nearby litter, and report any signs of spills (oil, paint, etc.) to the City. Keeping storm drains clear will help reduce maintenance and localized flooding since debris can clog a drain. It will also help keep debris and pollutants out of the stormwater washing into creeks and the Puget sound from city storm drains.

Help make SeaTac stormwater cleaner and Adopt a Drain today!